
Notes on a Common Beat

just another interpretation of the nature of time
see also OrcID

Present Quantum Gravity
latest version available for download from the Open Science Framework


We introduce a novel non-perturbative discrete approach to quantum gravity starting from the assumption that only the present instant exists. The Present is interpreted through the lens of time-symmetric quantum mechanics and holography. It is described as an ontological memory, which evolves in atomic instants and encodes the information of non-locality and undefined causality in a fuzzy Euclidean space. In this contribution, extending previous works on the compatibility of such interpretation of time with Special Relativity, we provide further evidence for minimizing the ontological existence of the time dimension. We suggest a relation between the rest mass and an entanglement in time, and between curvature and a symmetry breaking of entanglement in the fuzzy space. We mathematically relate the Newtonian potential and the Schwarzschild metric with this information of entanglement, suggest a model of Black Holes, and draft an experiment that could provide evidence for our proposal. We conclude with a brief outlook.

Time as a Quantum Memory
Contribution presented at QG2023 (Spacetime from Information Sampling) and at PAFT2024 (Memoro Ergo Sum)
latest version available for download from the Open Science Framework
video presentation available on YouTube


In the framework of Presentism, we introduce a novel interpretation of time as a quantum memory, which evolves in atomic instants, and show its compatibility with relativistic time dilations. The scope is to provide additional evidence for minimizing the ontological existence of the time dimension, possibly contributing to a better understanding of its quantum nature. First, we propose our postulates on time, causality, and information, and define our ontology in terms of entanglement in a fuzzy Euclidean lattice encoded in the Present memory. Then, we introduce our observer: an elementary massive particle, described in terms of entanglement in the lattice and across the instants. Finally, we derive the proper time of such particle from the sampling of information in its causal cone between events of collapse. In the context of a universe emerging from information, we conclude highlighting the relevance of the concept of memory in the emergence of complexity.

The Universe as a Telecommunication Network
Contribution presented at DICE2022
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2023, 2533 012045 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2533/1/012045


We suggest a framework that models the universe as a Telecommunication Network, with several layers of abstraction, characteristic protocols and encoding schemes. We first define a fundamental network of atoms of space (Present foliation) as a toy model of the most elementary abstraction on spacetime. We describe a protocol to encode the information of distance, non-locality, and entanglement among these nodes. In this framework, we then conjecture the emergence of fermions from gradients of entanglement in the foliation, encoded as momenta in the fundamental network. We propose an interpretation of the asymmetry and of the half spin of matter in the model, towards a description of fermions as independent Network Entities, adjacent possible complexities from the most fundamental abstraction. We conclude our contribution considering several parallels between Nature and nodes in a layered network. The proposed framework seems a promising path to describe the emergence of a universe from information through the language of networks. We believe this perspective can connect several areas of research and deserves further investigation.

The potential of a thick present through undefined causality and non-locality
Entropy 2022, 24(3), 410; doi.org/10.3390/e24030410


This paper elaborates on the interpretation of time and entanglement, offering insights into the possible ontological nature of information in the emergence of spacetime, towards a quantum description of gravity. We first investigate different perspectives on time and identify in the idea of a "thick present" the only element of reality needed to describe evolution, differences, and relations. The thick present is connected to a spacetime information "sampling rate", and it is intended as a time symmetric potential bounded between a causal past of irreversible events and a still open future. From this potential, spacetime emerges in each instant as a space-like foliation (in a description based on imaginary paths). In the second part, we analyze undefined causal orders to understand how their potential could persist along the thick present instants. Thanks to a C-NOT logic and the concept of an imaginary time, we derive a description of entanglement as the potential of a logically consistent open choice among imaginary paths. We then conceptually map the imaginary paths identified in the entanglement of the undefined orders to Closed Time-like Curves (CTC) in the thick present. Considering a universe described through information, CTC are interpreted as "memory loops", elementary structures encoding the information potential related to the entanglement in both time and space, manifested as undefined causality and non-locality in the emerging foliation. We conclude by suggesting a possible extension of the introduced concepts in a holographic perspective.

Notes on a common beat
Paper that develops the philosopical interpretation;
latest version available for download from the Open Science Framework


The following essay would like to elaborate on a possible “philosophy of efficiency” connected to the contribution “Implementation model of a universe based on information” (a more technical paper from the same author proposing a framework for Quantum Gravity, available at doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/9a26r). The insights derived from the interpretation of spacetime considered focus on causality, free will and efficiency, and promote collaboration, empathy and trust. Even if some of the concepts presented are common to several cultures at different level of abstraction, this paper does not pretend to have scientific value nor suppose any reference to religion. The scope is just to draft a high level parallel between the description of the Universe proposed in the scientific contribution and a more philosophical interpretation of life, inspired by efficiency and based on the memory of a common beat.

Implementation model of a universe based on information
Paper that develops the elementary physics interpretation;
latest version available for download from the Open Science Framework


Starting from an Information and Communication Technologies perspective focused on implementability, we propose a model of the universe based on a memory network. Spacetime is described through finite and discrete information of non-local spatial correlations elaborated on a discrete processing cycle (as a thick present). The need for logical consistency in the information is connected to a relativity in respect to global scales of reference in an interconnected universe. The quantized correlation potential (from which space emerges as imaginary in each cycle) is summarized in a fundamental causal memory with a log-perspective through a Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and persists along the evolution cycles as closed time-like curves (CTC) within the thick present considered. CTC, described as memory-loops, are introduced to assure logical consistency of the information potential. We then propose an interpretation of elementary particles connected to a holographic description, extended in the model to ER=EPR=CTC. Finally, we identify a physical implementation of the model in black holes, clarifying how fundamental constants could be defined in the spacetime patch emerging beyond the singularity and proposing quantum fields as wavelets along the radius. Additional elaborations on both metric and space expansion in the proposed model are provided in the dedicated Annexes.

09-2019 Conjectures on Spacetime
First scientific contribution; presented at the TM2019 INAF conference 
docs at the INAF Archive and on youtube

09-2018 oudeis FirsTk1ss
a bag full of insights and inspirations on everything and nothing
download the draft as pdf

