Internazionale di arte a tematica lgbt Artists: Alain Battiloro,
Alessandro Capurso, Elena Rossella Lana, Gianfranco Ragusano, Marta
Cecilia Meza, Moxy Hart, Raffaella Campolieti, Roberto Minarda, Walter
Curatore: Telemaco Rendine, Responsabile organizzazione Lorenzo Varale Assistente: Lorenzo Frigo Allestimenti: dott. Arch. Carlotta Occhiena Grafica: Matteo Boracco
AV Art Gallerie & Associazione Koinè
Koinè, with the partnership of the 24th Torino GLBT Film Festival that
will take place since April the 23rd till April the 30th, and the
sponsorship of Fondazione Artèvision, Arcigay and Regione Piemonte,
invites you to AV Art Gallerie expository rooms in Via Santa Giulia
14/c and Via Mazzini 50 and Cinema Ambrosio halls (Corso Vittorio
Emanuele 52), where Italian and foreign artists are exposing their
works, somehow connected to glbt world. This event is opening a new
season in Torino’s cultural appointments panorama, getting day by day
even thicker and more diversified. Its purpose is exploring glbt
dimension through visual arts devices. Deep artistic contents,
locations and Torino urban context that’s going to be its scene, make
the event a worthy opportunity to get closer to a hidden world survived
across centuries, now finding a few ways to rise up and get known. Glbt
International is taking place since the last week of April till May the
10th, emerging artists and claimed ones are exposing their works: Moxy
Hart - world known South African artist, since a few years is focusing
on male form and masculine beauty, his nudes and portraits have been
shown in Melville, Cape Town e Hyde Park JHB; Gianfranco Ragusano -
talented carver, built up his background attending Academic Art School
in Palermo, got his call for sculpture by artists like Antonio
Tinaglia, Mariano Brusca, Salvatore Rizzati and Giuseppe Agnello;
Raffaella Campolieti - portraits painter, expressive talent gifted,
studied Art in Naples then moved to Venice, where her works
participated to solo and group exhibitions in some of the most
suggestive locations; Walter Rossignolo - lives and works in Torino,
Fondazione Artèvision formed him as a photographer, he’s talented with
realistic and aethereal style in the meantime; Martha Cecilia Meza -
Colombian painter, worked as art director in Bogotà and exhibited her
works in many cultural events based in South America, she’s actually
living and working in Italy; Alessandro Capurso - photographer from
Torino, whose pictures had great luck in several photography contests,
as for instance “Torinoquidomani”, “IoEspongo – 2008” and “Tuttocittà –
Luoghi Comuni”, he’s also arranging poetry and short tales; Elena
Rossella Lana - young artist from Lecce, where she’s living and
studying, despite her age, her works already got many appreciations
during local and international contests; Alain Battiloro - artist and
photographer, through his pictures narrates with great strength daylife
reality and its multiple faces; Roberto Minarda - another photographer
from Torino, whose talent as an artist brought him cooperate with
various important fashion, design and architecture magazines. We’ll
also host in our galleries some “guest works” by Mario Molinari. No
words can describe his gift as a sculptor, just say his works leave you
enchanted, breathless, shocked, due to their disturbing stillness. Their
works, which deal with glbt issue by using sculpture, drawing,
portraits and even picture, are meant for specialized and professional
public, and a wider, heterogeneous audience in the meantime. Anyone
could appreciate outer quality as much as the emotional and expressive
charge they bring inside. Definitive aim is pushing people
awareness closer to glbt world, while it’s part of modern society,
currently spread in all economic and social classes, through new points
of view thanks to the artistic visual instruments. WHEN: Since 23/04/2009 to 10/05/2009 WHERE: Torino - Via Santa Giulia 14/c and Via Mazzini 50 (AV Art
Gallerie expository rooms), Corso Vittorio Emanuele 52 (Cinema Ambrosio